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Mende: The specialist in the refractory construction

A special field of our company is the refractory construction. We line industrial furnaces, boiler plants and lining with refractory materials. Exclusively high quality materials are used. These withstand high temperatures, are very hard and resistant even against strong mechanical influences and abrasion. The materials used, we buy from reputable manufacturers (for example RHI, Calderys). So we can offer a variety of unformed and formed refractory materials for different types of firing installations.

Dismantling of refractory lining

The focus of our work in the furnace construction is the implementation of revision work in special waste and waste incineration plants. We break out the old refractory lining with special machines and thereafter we install a new refractory lining. We also take care for the removal of the old refractory concretes.

Redevelopment of refractory lining

In addition to the construction of refractory linings we also carry out the renovation work. To check the condition of the refractory lining, we also conduct inspections and condition monitoring by cameras and personal guided indoor and outdoor examinations.

Mende Schornsteinbau GmbH & Co KG - Your professional in refractory construction

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